Sunday, 1 November 2009

Tumbledown Tumbleweed

The universe moves,
And the moon is removed,
And the sun hits the grease on the glass,
The curtains burn up,
And its curtains for us,
It’s been swell, well we‘ve both had a blast.

Almost sadly I‘m sure
That we cannot endure
Morning’s savage attack any more,
The linoleum sticks
To the skin of our backs,
We’ve been melted and moored to the floor.

Tumbleweed stars
Start to tumble down hard,
And we’re hit by a bloodhoney light,
The salt at the sides
Of your eyes starts to shine,
In a moment we’ll spark and ignite.

You’re lit up like a witch on trial,
I’m lit up like Guy Fawkes,
I’m lit like a new years eve,
In London or New York,
We’re lit up like an H bomb,
We are hydrogen, we’re heat,
We are the fundamental elements
Of something obsolete.